Monday, August 22, 2011

Wii Fit Plus Training Plus Playthrough Part 4: Driving Range

Part 4 of our Wii Fit Plus Training Plus Playthrough sees us move from the hilltop dojo down to the links where we leisurely take on the challenges at the Driving Range:

Wii Fit Plus Training Plus Playthrough Part 4-1: Driving Range, Approach Shot

Wii Fit Plus Training Plus Playthrough Part 4-2: Driving Range, Iron

Wii Fit Plus Training Plus Playthrough Part 4-3: Driving Range, Driver

Driving Range

The Driving Range portion on Wii Fit Plus is a very leisurely paced activity and very relaxing.  They break it down into three sections: Approach Shot, Iron, and Driver.  These are obviously reflective of your wedges, irons, and drivers just like you would have in the bag on the course.  The approach shot is 100 yards out, the iron shot is 160 yards out, and the driver is a full 250 yards to the pin.

Obviously, just as with real golf, the farther away from the pin and the larger the club you swing the greater your chances are that something goes wrong, lol.

Testament to that was my score of 195 on the Approach Shot and a much lower score with the Driver.

I will say that not being centered with the tv does compromise my swing ,and likely will your swing...if you are struggling, make sure that you are centered with the tv sounds irrelevant, but it can help.

You basically want to swing the Wiimote (please wear the wrist strap!) just as you would a golf club.  This is actually pretty natural to do while standing on the board.  You will have to get a feel for how hard to swing to send the ball just the right distance: to soft and it won't be a "nice shot," too hard and you'll risk a "miss."  Once you have established the feel and rhythm you should be set to go...

On the Approach Shot Playthrough I got an okay on the first shot, landed the second shot, and went on to score a 195, which is 5 short of a perfect round.

The scoring is straight forward:
Nice Shot=10 Points
OK=5 Points
Miss=0 Points

As you can see, netting one "miss" can really kill your chance for a good score.  As for finite adjustments, you can utilize the "Swing Analysis" for an idea on how to really improve.  In all honesty, this is a pretty good tool.  If you have ever been to a pro shop, most of them have some sort of "golf simulation" that helps customer's select clubs and improve their swings.  This is as good as most of the software out there, or atleast it was based on when I was last in such a golf shop.

The thing I really like, aside from how relaxing this exercise is, that it offers encouragement to hit the links in real life when you perform well.  Overall this is a great change up with the leisurely pace and offers a chance to hone your swing and maybe inspire you to hit the driving range yourself.

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