Sunday, June 15, 2014

Skylanders Trap Team E3 Kaos "Holy Trap!" T-Shirt

While treasure hunters will no doubt covet their E3 Life Element Trap pre-loaded with in-game variant villain Riot Shield Shredder, I was honestly more excited by a simple t-shirt.  And yes, I am serious.  The trap is cool and I'm excited to use it, but at this point in time I was more excited to see the packaging and backside.

The Kaos T-shirt however was totally unexpected and it is easily one of the greatest shirts I have ever seen.  I didn't even look at it until later in the night at the hotel, but instantly brought me to a loud cheer, lol.  I pushed last year for "adult sized" merchandise and throught this past calendar year I never saw anything.  There are tons of cool kids shirts, but nothing for adults...not even generic logo t-shirts etc.  Needless to say, I was stoked to land this thing!

A First Look at the Most Epic Skylanders Shirt Ever: Kaos' "Holy Trap!"

I have no idea if it is exclusive to E3, a quick print for a laugh, or something that might hit shelves, but I do know it is awesome and countless of you would purchase this thing if it was on a shelf.  That said, here and on the video I want you to post up what you would like to see in terms of adult sized merchandise.  Do you want basic t-shirts, do women want tank tops, does anyone want hats etc.  I have no guarantee this will go anywhere, but I'm also the only person trying to get it somewhere...So post up what you want and maybe, just maybe, we can convince the folks at Activision to license some adult merchandise, or let potential licensees know there IS a market for adult sized Skylander swag!

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me where I can get one of these tee shirts - or perhaps 1 adult, 1 child tee shirt - my 8 1/2 year old son LOVES it and really wants one!
