Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Skylanders Swap Force at E3: Your Questions Answered

Well, this has been a long time coming, BUT I will mention that I cranked out a blog post after getting back to the hotel from E3...Literally just a few hours after witnessing everything first hand...Here is a link to that post: http://www.1ofwiisdom.com/2013/06/skylanders-swap-force-at-e3-digging.html

You can essentially consider this the video counterpart...Again, I personally find text based versions easier to skim for info, but I know many prefer video formats, so here you go:

The good news is this...I still have a green light to ask more questions!

I already have the list of unanswered questions from prior to E3, as well as some more things I've come up with, and I'm starting to see a lot of debate on some issues we could seek clarification on...

Keep in mind, some of the info will likely not be released until right before launch (if at all), but it certainly doesn't hurt to ask...I'f you've got anything you still want to know, feel free to post up and let me know.  I will forward it on and see what happens.

I can't promise we will get a response, but I can't say we won't either...Bottom line, if you ask it I will do my best to get an answer.

The folks behind the scenes are great and truly care about those of us on the fan side of the spectrum, but there is simply some stuff that can't be revealed etc...After all, what fun is playing a game for the first time if you already know EVERYTHING?

That said, we can shoot to know some things ;)  If I get answers back I will make additional videos highlighting the fresh information.  Stay tuned!


  1. Hi,

    I understand that there is a new graphics engine for Swap Force for current gen consoles (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U). Is 1080p vs 720p the only difference between the next gen versions (PS4/Xbox One) of Swap Force and the current gen?

    1. You know, I'll actually have to verify that one...Should be able to get answers. I know WiiU/360/PS3 will be graphically superior to the Wii version...not sure if the PS4/1 will be better yet, or basically just be the same as the current gen counterparts.

  2. I would love to see Ghost Roaster and Boomer return, as they are the only 2 characters I haven't got any version of. If you could can you please find out if the 'Legacy' characters will unlock their heroic challenge as that would be awesome cause i can't really afford to get them ALL, thanks in advance.

    1. Those two are insanely hard to come by anymore. I have seen a stray Triple with Boomer a few times the past year or so...Ghost Roaster I can find a little more frequently, but as of late it has been high and dry.

      I'll try to investigate that for you..it is already on the list. Lots of uncertainty regarding HCs.

  3. I was wondering about how the 3packs would work (2 nl 1s2/3 OR 1nl 2s2/3) and if swappable characters will be in 3packs and if so how would it work(3sf in 1 or 1/2 sf and another character/s)

    Also how will the upgrades work can wash upgrade both buckler AND any other lower halts or can wash only upgrade buckler even if the character is wash loop?

    1. That is something I've thought of since...Will SF always be solo (like Giants), come in a 2 Pack (my personal vote...makes the most sense), or ship via Triple stand alone (SF-SF-SF) or in a different configuration S2-SF-S2, S3-SF-S3, Core-SF-Core, or some combo there of...

      I asked that, got an answer...in a loud room. I'd hate to post what I am 75% sure is correct, but I'll re-ask. I am pretty confident that all the upgrades/cash etc are stored on the top half.

  4. Something I'd like to see is a portal display set do u can have an island with a portal for an awesome display

    1. My friends at PowerA has you covered! I think you can see it in the pics/vids, but I have more info I can post up from the house.

  5. Hi could you please check out my channel, I'm a huge fan of you and my username used to be 'Cyborg ZAZ' my channel is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ButterWielder/ thanks.

  6. If you can could you please check out my blog:
    moltenspyro.blogspot.com thanks!

    1. Hey...Thanks! Glad you enjoy the blog and videos...I will check it out as soon as I can.

  7. If I was to get the 3ds sg starter pack would I need to play ssa 3ds first to understand the story?

    1. Nope...two totally different stories as best I know...I've honestly yet to complete SG, but it didn't have anything right off the bat to be associated with SSA 3DS.
